What Kind of Love
O Amor Acontece
Beauty in Black
Um Drink no Inferno
Uma Ideia de Você
Doentes de Amor
Barriga de Aluguel
Uma Família Perfeita
Skins: Juventude à Flor da Pele
Sem dados
Camp Blood: The Musical
Zombie Prom
The Legend of Beaver Dam
Zombie Love
Now I Just Run
Pillow Fright
The Code
Door on the Left
Fazbear & Friends
Scary Movie: Additional Scenes
What's Eating Dad?
West Bank Story
A Loucura de Mary Juana
A Pequena Loja dos Horrores
Our Time Is Up
Off Season
Taking the Wheel
The Rick
The Agony and Sweat of the Human Spirit
O Contador
High School Musical
Time Freak
Tracey Ullman: Live and Exposed
Rotten Love
Resident Enis
Devoted Dead
In the Dark of Night
Stage Fright
Jane Love
Do Not Watch!
The House Always Wins
I Hate Halloween
Where Is My Golden Arm?