Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Dave Foley
Self - Host & Winner
Roger Abbott
Self - Presenter
Marty Adams
Mark Andrada
Benjamin Arthur
Self - Winner: Best TV Ensemble
Matt Baram
Joanna Barker
Paul Bates
Jon Blair
Kristin Booth
Self - Winner: Best Female Film Performance
Ian Boothby
Dave Brennan
Self - Winner: Best Sketch Troupe
Aurora Browne
Andrew Bush
Chuck Byrn
Vivieno Caldinelli
Jesse Camacho
Garry Campbell
Jan Caruana
Adam Cawley
Maury Chaykin
Boris Cherniak
Nominee: Best One Person Show - Hypnotist The Incredible BORIS
Laura Cilevitz
Paul Constable
Gavin Crawford
Mark Critch
Katie Crown
Seán Cullen
Kate Davis
Mark DeBonis
Self - Winner (Best Stand-up Newcomer)
Jason DeRosse
Debra DiGiovanni
Self - Performer
Jon Dore
Harry Doupe
Self - Winner: Chairman's Award
Jo-Anna Downey
Julie Dumais
Steve Dylan
Laurie Elliott
Self - Winner - Best Female Stand-up - Best Female TV Performance
Don Ferguson
Nathan Fielder
Mike Fly Fleischhaker
Mark Forward
Inessa Frantowski
Jessie Gabe
Self - Winner: Best Web Clip
Josh Glover
Book Store Customer
Matthew Goldberg
Jennifer Goodhue
Michal Grajewski
Tom Green
Kathryn Greenwood
Kerry Griffin
Geri Hall
Brendan Halloran
Cheryl Hann
Carly Heffernan
Sarah Hillier
Darryl Hinds
Jeremy Hotz
Kenny Hotz
Self - Winner: Best TV Director
Caitlin Howden
Michael Hughes
Andy Hull
Bruce Hunter
The Imponderables
Themselves - Winners (Best Sketch Troupe)
Ron James
Dan Jeannotte
Sandy Jobin-Bevans
Melody A. Johnson
Alana Johnston
Cathy Jones
Barry Julien
Peter Keleghan
Self - Nominee
Bob Kerr
Elvira Kurt
Mark Little
Tony Lombardo
Levi MacDougall
Ian MacIntyre
Brian MacQuarrie
Shaun Majumder
Chelsea P. Manders
Kevin Matviw
Kevin McDonald
Jeff McEnery
Debra McGrath
Daryn McIntyre
Mark McKinney
Self - Winner: Best TV Writing
Wendel Meldrum
Lisa Merchant
Darcy Michael
Colin Mochrie
Scott Montgomery
Doug Morency
Jack Mosshammer
Rob Norman
Peter Oldring
Brooke Palsson
Pardis Parker
Self - Nominee - Best Actor, Best Writer, Best Director, Best Stand-Up Newcomer
Jessica Paré
Mike Paterson
Teresa Pavlinek
Ron Pederson
Gordon Pinsent
Leah Pinsent
Tim Polley
Tim Progosh
Lara Rae
Jeff Raimondo
Matthew Reid
Gary Rideout Jr.
Evany Rosen
Sugar Sammy
Jerry Schaefer
Nile Seguin
Leslie Seiler
David Shore
Steve Shuster
Richard Side
Kurt Smeaton
Allyson Smith
Jon Smith
Naomi Snieckus
Self - Winner (Best Female Improv)
Nancy Sorel
Norm Sousa
Ron Sparks
Book Store Clerk
Winston Spear
Tara Spencer-Nairn
Book Store Worker
Loretta Swit
Sean Tabares
Self - Winer: Best Male Improv
Carolyn Taylor
Scott Thompson
Pat Thornton
Kevin Tierney
Alex Tindal
Eric Toth
Eric Tunney
Janet van de Graaf
Taz Van Rassel
Kristeen Von Hagen
Scott Vrooman
Graham Wagner
Matt Watts
George Westerholm
Jennifer Whalen
Bill Wood
Nicolas Wright
Anders Yates
Pete Zedlacher
Tal Zimerman