Beauty in Black
Um Drink no Inferno
What Kind of Love
O Amor Acontece
Uma Ideia de Você
Doentes de Amor
Skins: Juventude à Flor da Pele
Barriga de Aluguel
Uma Família Perfeita
Ethan Ralph
Self - Host (voice)
Sarah Jeong and the Defense of White Hatred - New York Times Response
Black Conservative Reaction to 'Can My Children Be Friends with White People?' NYT Article
Best Wahmen Respecter in the World
Atomized: Why Our Culture Creates Mass Shooters
How Good Is Wendy's New S'Awesome Bacon Cheeseburger?
The Character Assassination of Dave Rubin by the Progressive Ana Kasparian: TYT Response
Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before the Storm
X-Men: Days of Future Past Filmmaker Q&A
Tyranny of the Loud, Stupid, & Sensitive
Scott Adams Talks About President Trump's Jaw-Dropping Re-Tweet About Russian Facebook Ads
Update After 10 Months in American Jail
Lay Me by the Shore
At Dawning
The Mass of Men
ITV News Election 2019 Live: The Results
ITV News Election 2017 Live: The Results
Scott Adams Explains Some of the Persuasion Technique Missed by the Shithole Media
Scott Adams Talks About Russian Confusion, with Delicious Coffee
Anita Sarkeesian and the People Who Hate Her
Dr. Jerome Corsi Unloads on Eric Schmidt
Scott Adams Tells You Why an 'Unglued' President Starting Trade War Is the Best Negotiator
Guns on Campus
Trump's Tax Plan Could Cripple the Democrats for 2018
Trump Suggests Fake News Trophy: Let's Make it Plural
The Separated
Migz interviews John Oates
Blasey Ford's Ex Boyfriend Breaks Silence!
Federal Judge Tosses Trump Emoluments Clause Case: Rage Ensues
Lie xue kuai che
Alda e Maria - Por Aqui Tudo Bem