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Trevor Wolfgang Goodchild was born in Austin, Texas. He graduated Gonzalo Garza Independence High School and as of August 2010, attending UT to become a Civil Rights Attorney or practice Environmental law Goodchild was featured as part of "No More Killing" documentary by due to his experience getting tasered by APD while performing music in 2005 on 6th street. Goodchild also was an extra in "Man of the House" with Tommy Lee Jones and an independent film done by UT students called "Death Day." Goodchild performs hip hop as Syllable and does shows for charities, local organizations and usually has a message or a story with a theme inside his raps. In August of 2008 Syllable won a scholarship to attend the National Hip Hop Political Convention where Syllable met Cynthia McKinney the Green Party's Presidential Candidate and their vice Presidential Candidate, Rosa Clemente. In 2007 and 2008 Syllable helped run a non-profit called the Better Hip Hop Bureau started by Elijah Woods. As of June 1st 2010, he is attending Audio Engineering.