Debora wears clothes that show a bit of her bra, not too detailed.
A brief mention of a mama bear having kids.
In one episode, both Gloria and Debora show some cleavage.
Violence & Gore
The players get shot at in the first few episodes.
A dead body is found in one episode, he is said to have blood on him.
Scenes that have violence don't happen very often.
Multiple uses of "fuck", "shit" and some infrequent words like "pieces of shit", "christ" and some more words in every episode. ( Not frequent nor explicit ).
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Brief reference to hallucinations and strong dreams.
Characters can sometimes discuss if what they are living is real or if it's just a simulation or a dream.
Gloria drinks a mild alcoholic substance in one episode.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
The ambience of the series is very scary and gives the viewer a feeling of uneasines and danger.
Multiple thoughts of being stuck in a dream or the afterlife that can be triggering to some people.
Some scenes are very depressing and include characters crying or fearing for their lives.