Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory_peliplat
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory_peliplat
Play trailer

Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory (2021)

TV-MA (US) | Japan | Japanese | 25 min
Directed by: Shunsuke Nakashige, Kazuya Fujishiro, Hiroaki Matsushima, Masayuki Iimura, Kiyoshi Murayama

Nagumo Koushi. His house burned down on his birthday. His father has never had a job and a single dollar behind him. At the age of 12, he becomes homeless. Having wondered around the city for some time, a girl named Minerva finds him lying on the sidewalk, having absolutely no power to even move a finger. She treats him some ramen and finds out about his helpless situation. Minerva invites Koushi to be a Dorm Supervisor in a women's only college. How will his life change now?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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