Wicked Clone or How to Deal with the Evil_peliplat

Wicked Clone or How to Deal with the Evil (2023)

None | USA | English | 50 min
Directed by: Mihaela Modorcea

"Wicked Clone or How to Deal with The Evil" is a Musical TV Series based on the 500-page cinema novel by Mihaela Modorcea-a healing fairy tale about life without ending and youth without aging, a spiritual journey about overcoming "the wicked clone" (ego, fear, disease). Based on a true story with fairy tale elements of the traditional Transylvanian folklore and with a theme related to Goethe's "Faust," Ibsen's "Peer Gynt," Dante's "Divine Comedy," "Wicked Clone" is the story of a vampire bitten by a human being. "Wicked Clone" is not only a book that captures the reader into a story of rebirth, but it is a novel that, like The Bible or Torah, changes the heart, possessing a spirit that enlightens and transforms and has the reader reach their higher self. Characters such as God, Lucifer, Vlad the Impaler, Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Prince Charles, the Lumière Brothers, the greatest actress of the City of Stars, Mommy Doll, Rommy Horse, Mama-Bee...are engaged in finding the weapons to deal with the evil throughout a magical cinematic whirlwind filled with thrilling conflicts, innocence and grandeur. An epic story about a great thirst of fulfillment through Inspiration, the "Wicked Clone" novel combines the realism with the fantastic, the poetical with the dramatic, the mythological with the modern, written with a powerful, heartfelt, fresh and free voice that feeds the audience' mind and soul. "Wicked Clone" cinema novel contains 25 timeless original music compositions that go hand in hand with the storyline, and various miraculous Transylvanian cures and rituals for treating the Evil; the original compositions were written and composed by Indiggo Twins and were released by Broadway Records, part of the Off Broadway hit "Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical.

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Wicked Clone or How to Deal with the Evil
(Original title)
Wicked Clone or How to Deal with the Evil
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes