House of Honcho_peliplat

House of Honcho (2009)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: John Joyce, Flood Reed

Skyrocketing straight out of 1979 Chicago obscurity into international super-stardom is Lee Honcho: time traveling "jew rocker." The principal subject of clandestine time travel experimentation under the supervision of Baron Von Lufkin and the Swiss Institute, Lee underwent a battery of tests and procedures in preparation for travel into the future in order to help unlock the mysteries of the space-time continuum. Though schooled on the laws of time travel, Lee ignored and/or defied every last explicit instruction and instead elected to chart his own course. After becoming an enormous celebrity on an alien planet in the year 2113 - or so he claims - one night of debauchery and excess sent Honcho reeling back through time. He picked up some passengers along the way - Hector Desrosiers in 1988 and Truman McPate in 1996 - and eventually settled in Boston in the year 2004. Haunted by the loss of his celebrity status, Lee did what anyone destined for immortal greatness would do: he became the host of a local cable-access talk show. Miraculously, the combination of an offbeat but charismatic cast of characters, bizarre guests and subject matter - and a technologically-inept crew - resulted in a groundswell of buzz, turning "House of Honcho" into a juggernaut (if not a train wreck) that - in turn - turned Lee into an overnight international TV sensation. Not far behind came the arrival of Von Lufkin and his colleagues, who - after years of painstaking research - located their former lab rat. Unbeknownst to Lee, though masked behind Machiavellian smiles, it was now the intention of Von Lufkin to use and abuse him for his ever expanding ingenious but egotistical purposes. If only he could control Lee and his crew, things would surely run a lot more smoothly.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
House of Honcho
(Original title)
House of Honcho
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes