Little Behind_peliplat

Little Behind

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Erick Boychuk
This title has not premiered yet

The goal of a typical young adult is to finish high school, go on to college, figure out who you are, then start your career and follow that path to a successful life. Somehow, some way, CLARK HUDSON and JIMBO ROLLING, old high school buddies, missed the boat and clung on to their teenage peaks too long. Now in their young 20's, the rude awakening has kicked in when they realize they don't fit in with the teen crowd. Craving being the "cool guys" again, Clark and Jimbo decide they need to get out on their own to have any chance at having a life. Unfortunately, due to their lack of experience, responsibility and cash, they need a third roommate in order to make this happen. Luckily for them, DONALD DOUGLAS, a nerdy classmate of theirs from high school, agrees to be the 3rd roommate. Donald isn't the ideal fit from a personality standpoint, but its slim pickens when it comes to finding guys this age who are just now looking to move out of their parent's house. Not only is his rent money green but to the surprise of Clark and Jimbo, Don also has a successful web-based dating service that he's been running from his parents' house for the past few years.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Little Behind
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes