Totally Circus_peliplat

Totally Circus (2000)

TV-G (US) | USA | English |

Circus Smirkus gives kids a chance to run away and join the circus with their parents' blessings. Since 1987, they have provided a format for youths and adults to collaborate in life enhancing adventures in the circus arts. They give kids the opportunity to immerse themselves in the circus life. Totally Circus is the reality show based on the trials and tribulations of the kids of Circus Smirkus. Filmed during the 1999 Robin Hood tour the show focuses on these talented troupers as they prepare their acts and take the show on the road. In this 15 part series we get a glimpse of what the circus life is really like as we are allowed to follow the troupers throughout the whole season. From day one to the very last show we are able to get a sense of what these brave and talented young people face every day. Whether it be broken bones, storms raging through the area, or just your typical fight amongst the ranks, we can truly come to respect and admire these young people for what they do. Theme Song You gotta have talent, and you know you gotta have heart. It's a real live circus, and only kids take part. Got to work hard now, and tears may flow. Gotta take it to the limit, put on an awesome show. Gotta hit the road now, gotta make things swing. Raise the tent high, above the circus ring.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Totally Circus
(Original title)
Totally Circus
Circus Kids
USA (Working Title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes