Forureningens historie_peliplat
Forureningens historie_peliplat

Forureningens historie (2003)

None | Denmark | Danish | 38 min
Directed by: Jørgen Kaarup, Jakob Gottschau

Through the last 50 years our knowledge and understanding of environmental pollution has increased radically. Over time governments and citizens have come to regard pollution as a threat to nature and to health. In Denmark, where people had relied on plenty of fish in the sea and plenty of clean water in the underground, it has been realized that the past's dumping of untreated waste water and excessive use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides has been a mistake of great consequences. Through extensive archive footage and many new interviews with key players in environmental issues, this series documents the history of pollution in Denmark in the last five decades.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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