Laura's Secret_peliplat
Laura's Secret_peliplat

Laura's Secret (2004)

Atp (AR) | Argentina | Spanish | 60 min
Directed by: Gabriel de Ciancio, Federico Palazzo

Agustín Rivero, is a well-known attorney who is studying the case of a young man who has killed his fiancée's parents. Laura Cazenave de Salazar is Néstor's attorney, the man who has been charged with the murder. Agustín and Laura will have to confront each other and will meet at the trial, during which Analía, "the murderer's girl-friend" will run away in despair to the edge of the terrace of the court in an attempt to commit suicide; it is there where Agustín will intervene and will manage to save her... at that very same instant Agustín will be moved by Laura's beauty, sweetness and intelligence, and she will be impressed by the way he has handled the situation; angry, however, for having lost a fight. They will seek more encounters; he thinks she is single and tries to seduce her, while she never finds a moment to make it clear for him that she is married... she actually does not want to... their contact will turn more and more dangerous. The Tragic Night: Laura receives a strange message from her husband, Fernando Salazar, and when she gets home she sees Agustín leaving in a hurry. She goes inside, calls her husband, and to her horror, finds him dead before her eyes. Laura is shocked and leaves in her car; she has a car crash and is referred to a hospital; when she wakes up she finds she cannot remember but some very general things about her former life; however, Agustín will try to make her recover her past. Meanwhile, Fernando?s body disappears together with large sums of money; everybody thinks he has run away, only Laura's mind knows the truth. Laura and Agustín will get married, but Laura starts to remember her past and realizes that, according to her memories, Agustín is her dead husband's killer.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Laura's Secret
(Original title)
Culpable de este amor
Algo contigo
Argentina (Working Title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes