Holly's Heroes_peliplat
Holly's Heroes_peliplat

Holly's Heroes (2005)

G (AU) | Australia | English | 25 min
Directed by: Roger Hodgman, Pino Amenta, Geoffrey Cawthorn, Marcus Cole, Yvonne Mackay

When 14-year-old New Zealander Holly McKenzie arrives in the Australian seaside town of Woolich, her dreams of playing basketball with the RAMS, one of the best junior basketball teams in the district, are quickly shattered. Determined to prove her ability, Holly forms her own team - the OUTLAWS. With basketball as a backdrop, Holly's Heroes is a funny and light hearted exploration of being the new kid on the block, the importance of friendship, the value of teamwork, first love, and the rewards that come from participation and the simple love of sport. Holly learns that the feeling of belonging she achieves with her team is far more important than simply winning.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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