A woman is hit by a bus, and is later covered in blood. It turns out later she was pregnant.
In various parts of the movie, men drown little girls in a lake, and each time has a flashback that show it happen again.
A man touches a tree and is what seems to be shocked (by a spirit, who's body is buried underneath the tree), and throws up.
A woman is hit with a rock continuously, and then her neck gets snapped.
The main character is in a house that is haunted. Things get wrecked, broken, and smashed.
Letter magnets on a fridge move around several times throughout the film, spelling messages.
The main character has disturbing nightmares and daydreams of corpses and other creepy things.
A woman punches the main character. Then he falls into a lake, and she throws rocks at him.
An old man has a woman put a plastic bag over his head, and he suffocates.
A woman puts a curse on four teenage boys and there families to come.
A woman is shot in the head. Blood goes all over the main character's face.
A man beats another man to death with a meat tenderizer.
A building's sign gets struck by lightening, falls in front of a truck, the truck runs into it, and explodes.
A tree grows what seems to be a face for a minute of two. A man's dead wife comes to him for a few seconds in a spirit form. A man throws lye, a chemical that breaks down bones, on two corpses. They both dissolve, which looks pretty disturbing. At one point, it looks like one of them is still alive, struggling in pain.
A woman tries to stab a man with a pair of scissors, fails, and then tries to push her fingernails into his eyes. He grabs the scissors and stabs her in the neck, she then bleeds to death. Her neck squirts blood, because the scissors penetrated a vain.
Many people die in this film. There are many intense and jumpy scenes in this film. There are also depressing scenes.