Knot at Home Project_peliplat

Knot at Home Project (2006)

None | Australia | English | 208 min
Directed by: Phillip Crawford, Sian Davies, Brendan Fletcher, Debbie Gittens, Erica Glynn

Young people tell their own stories. Tales of trouble, hope, insight and survival. knot at home project is a series of eight television half hour films. The eight films are the result of a series of community projects run by BIG hART, a non profit organisation. The projects were designed to give people who often go unheard a chance to tell their stories. From 1998 to 2004 over 500 young people were asked to tell stories about when they felt "not at home". The knot at home project films present their stories using interview, narratives, vignettes, songs, animations, dramatised scenes and memories. The unique style of these films is created by allowing the story tellers to be hands on, mentored by experienced film makers in the process of filming, performing, writing and editing. The story tellers have visited and revisited their stories over a period of seven years. And so the audience becomes privy to them growing up, and to the changes that occur in the way they feel about ,and convey their experiences. Directly to camera, they openly express the personal struggles of their lives. Each of the eight films is able to viewed as a stand alone piece. They explore different thematic connections in the stories beginning with stories of survival, to stories of security, love, dreams, family, loyalty and insight.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Knot at Home Project
(Original title)
Knot at Home Project
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes