High Kick! The Revenge of the Short Legged_peliplat

High Kick! The Revenge of the Short Legged (2006)

TV-Y (US) | South Korea | Korean | 30 min
Directed by: Byung Wook Kim, Young Ki Kim, Chang Dong Kim, Jo Chan Joo, Soon Tae Park

Lee Yoon-ho (Jung Il-Woo), a motorcycle mania who engages in many fights at school and is known for his high kick, and Lee Min-ho (Kim Hye-Seong) who enjoys spending time on scale models and web blogs, are brothers born a year apart but attending the same class at school. These two portray completely opposite Korean teenage characters in a comical way. And of course, there's the rest of the family. Their father Jun-ha Lee (Jeong Jun-Ha), a full-time stock investor since being laid-off from work, nevertheless optimistic and reckless; their mother Park Hae Mi (Park Hae-Mi), an oriental medicine doctor and always overly confident; their grandfather Lee Soon Jae (Lee Sun-Jae), who loves money more than anything in the world; their grandmother Nah Mun Hee (Na Moon-Hee), who is always defeated by her daughter-in-law in ongoing status quarrels, are some of them. Their uncle Lee Min-yong (Kim Hye-Seong) is a 27-year-old single dad. After going through a premature marriage and early divorce, he enjoys his life back in the dating scene with his half-single and half-married status, while continuing to encounter emotionally-involved moments with his ex-wife Shin Ji at times. Smooth High Kick. is a situation comedy, which portrays the everyday lives of the main characters colliding with each other in a comical way. However, at a certain point, the surprising mysteries of their seemingly-normal surrounding characters begin to unravel one by one.

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Release Date
South Korea
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
High Kick!
(Original title)
High Kick!
High Kick!
India (English title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes