A girl shoots at zombies. A thick black liquid spurts and splatters onto walls. Bloody and graphic.
A girl has her head hit on a metal shelf and then she is eaten by zombies. Only seen briefly in flashbacks. But still brutal. Blood splats briefly onto the shelf.
A man vomits black goo and collpases, which is quite disturbing.
The home guard who keep a look out for Partially Deceased Sufferers (Recovered Zombies) find an old man has been hiding his wife who was a zombie in his house. They drag her out kicking and screaming. She begs them to spare her and her husband wails. She is shot in the head. Nothing is seen. This scene is very emotionally intense and upsetting.
A man is bitten by zombies. A bloody wound is seen.
A man shoots at zombies, they are not killed.
A man tells another how to stab someone in the brain.
A man is found with a knife in the back of his head. Graphic.
A woman frantically slashes at a man with a knife. She cuts his hands and bloody wounds are seen.
A man is shot in the chest with a shotgun. His chest shoots into a bloody pulp and blood shoots onto the ground behind him and onto a wall behind him.This shooting is bloody and unexpected. He is seen afterwards and his gory and bloody wounds are seen. This is the bloodiest killing in the series.
The recovered zombies are threatened and abused by the public.
There are other scenes of zombies being shot at with bloody results. The blood is seen as a black but still graphic.