Many characters are smacked.
A snake squirts poison at a character.
Craig threatens to bite a girl.
Craig hissed at a Sanjay in some episodes, and his fangs are seen.
There is a couple of fight scenes.
A man has his back waxed. The removed hair is seen on the paper.
When a character explains a scary ride, he says blood and guts were everywhere (he squirts ketchup on himself) and says people swallowed their own legs and sticks a chicken wing in his mouth.
A snake looses his scales in some episodes.
A snake graphically swallows some animals, including a live squirrel and kitten.
Some characters fart on other characters.
A dog is frequently seen barfing in episode she's featured in.
A snake's teeth stick out of a boy's hand when he accidentally bites him. (A small amount of blood is seen). He screams in pain. The snake apologizes.
A whole episode is centered around barfing. Some characters are seen puking on each other.
A cat is pushed into a toilet.
A boy shown burning on hot pavement and cannot get up. (We see his skin turning red).
Some zombies are shown in certain episodes.
A snake repeatedly swallows a gerbil in one episode, but he is always spit out. Each time he comes out with less fur, but is otherwise unharmed.
Some characters are given wedgies.
A character has a pricker ball stuck to his face. It is pulled off and leaves a small amount of blood.
A snake pushes himself into a boy's mouth (playfully). The boy spits him out and playfully slaps him.
2 characters jump into a toilet and get covered in blue toilet water.
A boy graphically stubs his toe. We can see it broken, red and oozy.
A snake forces himself to shed before he is ready. His skin comes off and he screams in pain.
Some characters are seen spitting.
A cat is squeezed and she falls flat and deflated onto the ground.