A woman dancing with a bra
There is a scene where a man and women are shown getting intimate in a boxing ring. They are topless (no female frontal nudity), with plenty of kissing and moaning, but nothing too graphic is shown. Does go on for a few minutes.
A pawn shop owner offers a character child pornography, stating: "she's barely 12, guaranteed. For 100 bucks she's yours." Very disturbing, but nothing visual or audible, only the reference.
When Matt and a woman are in the boxing gym they half undress each other and make out on the boxing ring mat. There is a side shot of the woman's breast. Brief no Nudity.
Not much sexual content whatsoever. Some references is about as explicit as it gets.
Three women are seen being kidnapped with the explicit intention of being sold for human trafficking. Later in the episode a woman removes her shirt and she is seen in her bra.
It is mentioned that a young boy is kidnapped with the intention of being sold into human trafficking.
Some sexual references such as "looking up girlies' skirts" and "burying stress between a model's thighs".
A man and woman are seen in a bed under covers.
A character says he had a one night stand with his ex. Sex is not shown.
A woman is shown in the shower. We then see her bare shoulders from a view in the shower.
Season 2
Foggy mentions having a one night stand.
A man is seen in only his boxers for a scene.
Matt undresses in the car. No nudity shown.
Two women implied to be prostitutes walk out of a man's bedroom in scantily clad outfits. No nudity or sex at all.
Matt is shown in just his boxers.