Keller Nation_peliplat

Keller Nation (2014)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Shakira Pressley

Well, After Keller Boyce, a popular member of the hit teen boy band sensation, The Love Puppies, is kicked out of his group by the record company for being a lip sync he is forced to go back to a boring normal life at retro junior high school, where he then decides to return to fame by starting a new crew. Along the way back to stardom he encounters new and old friends. COURTNEY VALENTINE his best friend from before he was famous. VIDA FISCHER the controlling, yet clumsy know it all that happens to be his biggest fan. ADEN PIERCE the awkward theater kid that has a wicked speech impediment that causes him to "rap" and make "beats" when nervous. And last of all PHOEBE MCINTYRE the violent yet lovable punk girl. On his journey away from what he believes to be the worse possible place in the world, public school, Keller will have to get pass the obstacles in his way, such as: The principle that's obsessed with him, the teacher that constantly sends him to detention just because he hates boy bands, his new arch enemy BEN SUMMERS, who just can't seem to leave him be, and much more... Each episode will focus on Keller's adventures back at Retro Junior High School, as he meets an unique assortment of students, from the theater nerd to the bullying hipster, from the musically inclined to the dreadfully socially awkward kids. He'll encounter them all!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Keller Nation
(Original title)
Keller Nation
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes