Cement Heads_peliplat

Cement Heads (2014)

None | USA | English |

When the lights turn on and the cameras start rolling at WJL Equities, a large family-owned construction company, the employees can't quite get the hang of being in front of the camera. While the team has mastered the highly competitive world of New York's concrete construction business, they're not quite equipped to be reality stars. The cameras and crew throw a wrench into the already chaotic lives of the Lougheeds as they follow the everyday antics around the family business. At the helm of WJL Equities is Billy Lougheed. With a monthly payroll of over $1 million, Billy constantly feels the pressure to keep the family business thriving. By his side, and often one step ahead, is Billy's wife and business partner Danielle. At the center of the action is Billy's best friend, Joe Luciano, better known by his nickname, "Chubby." Billy's parents also serve as an integral part of the team. Bill Sr. (aka "Sarge") is a former deputy sheriff who still thinks he's the boss while his wife Joan, who is known for her frequent risqué comments, keeps herself busy cleaning Billy and Danielle's house and when that's done, the office. As the colorful team welcomes the production crew into every aspect of their lives, they find it difficult to keep a barrier between the two sides of the camera - not only engaging the crew in conversation but inviting them to join in family dinners and even trying to set them up on dates - providing a unique and comical view of reality television.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Cement Heads
(Original title)
Cement Heads
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes