Dirty Laundry_peliplat

Dirty Laundry (2015)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: John Pallotta

DIRTY LAUNDRY Teaser Outline Dark futuristic world where rampant poverty and disease has changed the dynamic of morality and culture. The population in the major cities is self-policed by groups of specialized vigilantes, private guards and anti-government factions who are very territorial about the areas they patrol and protect. Black market services offering fresh food, medicine and even education are rampant. Population control messages are everywhere encouraging people "If you can't feed yourself, you can't feed a child" to discourage propagation. The rich who hoarded hard currency and private personal wealth are virtually free to live immoral, hedonistic lives without fear of being challenged by the great unwashed masses beyond their gates. Sexual services of every kind are offered to the rich and powerful by sex workers who are becoming a financial power on their own. There is a group of sex workers who are also trained vigilantes, using their access to the wealthy and powerful to cleanse the most immoral from the upper gated class. Pedophiles, traffickers, slave owners and the puppet figureheads of the government who use the new public media to control the minds of the lesser classes are the targets of this group of sex workers. As gun control laws pushed weaponry further underground the sex workers are forced to use more creative, untraceable ways to kill off the "immorals". Gaining access behind the guarded gates of the "immorals" is easy, since there are always customers for their services willing to pay large sums of black market cash to satisfy their depravity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Dirty Laundry
(Original title)
Dirty Laundry
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes