Angeli 'The Killer'_peliplat
Angeli 'The Killer'_peliplat

Angeli 'The Killer' (2017)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 145 min
Directed by: Cesar Cabral

ANGELI THE KILLER is an animated series loosely inspired in the works and personality of the Brazilian cartoonist, Angeli, creator of the seminal magazine "Chiclete com Banana" and characters as the bohemian junkie Rê Bordosa, the punk Bob Spit, among others. The series was born from the short film "The Re Bordosa Dossier" , which won over 70 awards in international film festivals since its release in 2008. The series is constructed by meshing a documentary structure, which begins with interviews with Angeli, and free adaptations of his characters and comics. This universe, which only existed in paper and daily stripes, was then translated to stop motion animation, using the audio, the mise en scene and the spontaneity that a documentary allows. With an urban thematic, criticizing Brazilian habits and day-to-day life (something quite common in Angeli's oeuvre), each episode had a specific theme that was the motto for its development. This interview with Angeli was the spine for building humor sketches with the cartoonist as an animated puppet; fictional scenes with his characters; and animated sketches conducted by a couple of narrators that unite the episodes and give the series its tone.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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