It's My Life_peliplat
It's My Life_peliplat

It's My Life (2018)

None | South Korea | Korean |
Directed by: Ki Won Kwak

Yang Nam Jin is an average guy from a small fish town. While running an employment agency, he always volunteers to help the community. He was raised by a single mother. But, as it turns out, he is from a rich family. Now Nam Jin is a grandson of the chairman and a potential heir for a fashion conglomerate. Aiming to the top, he is ready to compete with Grandfather's other grandson, Choi Shi Woo. But the company isn't the only thing they want to take from one another. Enters Han Seung Joo, a strong-willed woman who wants to make her own name as a fashion designer. With Jin Ah, Nam Jin's first love who is desperate for success, they have an unpredictable love square. Will there be happiness and love at the end of their journey?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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