The Biter Bitten_peliplat

The Biter Bitten (2006)

None | Hong Kong | Cantonese | 45 min
Directed by: Ng Siu Wing

Hill (Ho-Man Chan) is trapped between going to help his mother at her auction company, or to help his grandfather with his garment factory. Since he does not want to choose between them, he decided to work at the zoo for his best friend, Sing's (Michael Tong) uncle. There, they meet an archaeologist, Joey (Shirley Yeung), a naive and short-tempered but kind and warm-heart girl. They also meet an acrobat named Dan Dan (Linda Chung), who was a part of the zoo's circus. The four good friends are on the mission the find the rest of the twelve zodiac bronze heads for their professor (Bowie Wu). By digging deeper, they learn about the Ten Tigers' treasure which is located right in Panyu. Realizing that one of the bronze heads is a part of this treasure, the group made it their mission to find it. The group digs deeper following clue after clue. However, as they get closer and closer to discovering this treasure, they are also putting themselves in more danger. Meanwhile, as the story progresses, Joey is starting to develop feelings for Hill, despite the fact that she found him bothersome in the beginning. On the other hand, Sing couldn't seem to get his eyes off Dan Dan the first time he laid eyes on her. But Hill and Dan Dan likes each other which makes it difficult for the four of them. When Joey and Sing cooperates together to try to break Hill and Dan Dan apart, their plans only end up backfiring. However, the couple started falling for each other before they even realize it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Hong Kong
No data
Hong Kong
(TV premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Biter Bitten
(Original title)
Hong Kong (Cantonese title)
The Biter Bitten
Hong Kong (English title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes