Wicked Season_peliplat

Wicked Season

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Samuel Haun
This title has not premiered yet

Ten years after Alton Crow was locked away for a series of unspeakable killings, the city finds itself threatened again on Halloween as an apparent copycat evades police while taking women one by one. Frustrated at his team's lack of progress in the investigation, Capt. Turner gives a new assignment to the two young detectives on the case, Christine Vega and Kenny Miller. They are to interview a former detective with the "inside story" - Sgt. Mike "Manhunt" Hughes, the one who caught Crow a decade ago. Still grieving at the loss of his young daughter to cancer and disheartened he couldn't catch Crow until after his killing spree was done, Hughes wants nothing more to do with the deep evil that Crow personified. But after some convincing by Vega and Miller, he finally answers the call to help bring the depraved new imitator to justice. The trail leads the three to the mothballed Saint Anthony's Hospital for the Criminally Insane, closed ten years ago after a fatal gas leak. Guided by an eccentric caretaker through a dark labyrinth of rooms and corridors, every gloom-filled hallway and shadowy staircase leads the detectives closer to the answers they need. But something evil grasps at them inside the asylum, playing tricks on their senses, exploiting their vulnerabilities - especially the agonizing guilt buried deep inside Hughes. And then it strikes. The detectives quickly find themselves in a primal fight for survival against a succession of bloodthirsty demons. Stranger still, the detectives recognize them as real-life serial killers from the past, put to death years ago for their heinous crimes. For some reason they have somehow come back to life in this place, on this night, to kill again. Meanwhile, Hughes finds himself preoccupied with additional torments as he battles the ghosts within his mind. As they near the end of the surreal maze Saint Anthony's has now become, the detectives move closer to unlocking the mysteries of the asylum's past, its current inhabitants, and is most infamous inmate, Alton Crow. They also know they're searching for clues in a very dark corner of hell, with no assurance they'll even survive till morning.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Wicked Season
(Original title)
Wicked Season
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes