A woman is stabbed repeatedly with a sickle the back, she is heard loudly screaming; this is very bloody and gory with several closeups of the act happening. She is later beheaded with an axe.
A man holds up a woman by her hair while another person quickly decapitates her with an axe; this is shot in shadows and is not bloody at all.
A woman's back is sliced open with a sickle, this is shown in closeup; she is then stabbed to death with an axe but all the stabs are below frame.
A man's throat is slit offscreen, the sounds are heard but nothing is shown.
A woman gets stabbed with a sharp object, it is shown exiting out of her back; she is then struck across the face with an axe and some blood sprays from her lower jaw.
A man is hit in the neck with a cleaver and begins bleeding out, no blood is shown but he is heard dying; he is then punched multiple times in the head, killing him. The beating is shown but little blood.
A masked character is hit repeatedly in the head with a blunt object offscreen, the mask is seen with some bloody indents.