Innego konca nie bedzie_peliplat
Innego konca nie bedzie_peliplat

Innego konca nie bedzie

None | Poland | Polish |
Directed by: Monika Majorek
This title has not premiered yet

The film tells the story of three siblings and their mother as they try to piece together their lives after their father's untimely death. The eldest sister, Ola (27), comes back from Warsaw to her family home after a two year absence. She discovers a new man by her mother's side and that their house is on sale. The family seems to have moved on and Ola's stay at home begins to take its toll. Trying to piece together remnants of her father's memory, Ola digs through old home videos and photographs. Together with her siblings - younger brother Pipek (24) and the youngest Ajka (15) - she decides to recreate their childhood photos as they strive to reconnect their broken bonds. Before that may happen however, triggering these unresolved memories will cause even greater upheaval between the siblings. Ola discovers that each of them experiences trauma in their own way with neither being able to address it. As she confronts her family about this, Ola finally breaks through the facade of unspoken emotions.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Innego konca nie bedzie
(Original title)
Innego końca nie będzie
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes