In My Mother's Skin_peliplat
In My Mother's Skin_peliplat
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In My Mother's Skin (2023)

NC16 (SG) | Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan | Tagalog, Filipino | 97 min
Directed by: Kenneth Lim Dagatan

As World War II in 1945 Philippines is coming to an end, a wealthy family is trapped in their country mansion and terrorized by Japanese soldiers who are losing control of the island. The family's patriarch, Aldo, is rumored to have stolen Japanese gold and hidden it nearby. Knowing that his family will be killed if the gold is found, Aldo leaves to seek help from the Americans. His absence causes the family to fear that he will never return, while the mother's health deteriorates. Desperate for help, the family's young daughter Tala turns to a deceitful and flesh-eating fairy, who plans to devour them all.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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