Soviet Milk_peliplat

Soviet Milk (2023)

None | Latvia | Latvian, Russian | 110 min
Directed by: Inara Kolmane

A promising young doctor loses everything due to her conflict with the totalitarian Soviet regime - her career, love for life and even her mother's instinct to deny breast milk to her baby. However, the grown-up daughter becomes her only supporter who tries to help ease her mother's depression and learn to live in the depressive Soviet regime herself. The lifelines of mother and daughter flow in occupied Soviet Latvia from 1945 to 1989 when the Soviet Union collapsed. "I didn't want to live, and I didn't want her to drink milk from a mother who doesn't want to live." "Over twenty years that I spent with my mother, I couldn't bring myself to ask her why she pulled me, a helpless babe, away from her breast. I couldn't because I didn't know it yet. And perhaps it was an inappropriate question since I ended up being her mother." The story is based on the bestseller Soviet Milk by the renowned Latvian writer and more than 20 book author Nora Ikstena. It has just been published in English by Peirene Press as well as translated into many other languages and published in more than 20 countries- UK, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Georgia, Sweden, Ukraine, Syria, Croatia, Japan, Russia, Spain, Germany, Austria, France, USA, and other. The book was one of the three shortlisted finalists of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Literature Prize 2019.

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Soviet Milk
(Original title)
Soviet Milk
Canada (English title)
Mātes piens
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes