Christmas Plus One_peliplat

Christmas Plus One (2022)

TV-PG (US) | Canada | English | 89 min
Directed by: Meeshelle Neal

Christmas is the favorite time of year for thirty-something sisters Cara and Amy Martin, who have a pact to spend Christmases together doing their favorite niche Christmas activities in their hometown of New York City, despite Cara having moved to Pittsburgh. One of their traditions is to make a Christmas wish, which always come true. Last year, they both made the same wish: to meet their soulmate by Christmas this year. While it has happened for Amy in she marrying on Christmas Eve, it doesn't seem to have worked for Cara, that is until she meets Chace en route to New York from Pittsburgh for Christmas and Amy's wedding, Chace who loves all those same obscure New York Christmas traditions and activities. While Cara loses touch with Chace upon arriving in New York out of unfortunate circumstances, she does try to locate him at all those favorite Christmas sites. She seems continually to run into Michael Williams instead, he the reason she lost Chace's contact information and he who doesn't do traditional Christmas anymore favoring Christmas in the tropics. The most talented writer on the magazine where he works, he is on the brink of being fired in not keeping to the briefs supplied to him. His latest assignment, about which he knows nothing in not having spent Christmas in New York in years, is the top ten obscure Christmas activities in the city. Alone this year in Amy preparing for the wedding, Cara makes a deal with Michael: he can accompany her on her Christmas activities in her mission to locate Chace, while Michael helps her with her professional mission to become a graphic designer by being the conduit to a graphic design firm contact of his, Cara still in Pittsburgh at the job she hates solely on the promise by her company that they will "eventually" move her into a graphic design job. As Cara and Michael spend time together, they have to figure out what to do about their emerging feelings for each other in light of her search for Chace, who she is sure is her soulmate.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Christmas Plus One
(Original title)
Rejoins-moi pour Noël
Ein Traummann zu Weihnachten
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes