A Rose in Concrete_peliplat

A Rose in Concrete

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Tae Daaz, Charmain Johnson
This title has not premiered yet

When ten year-old Fletcher (Trip) Thompson's parents die in a car accident in upscale Connecticut, he is sent to live with his maternal grandparents in South Central Los Angeles. His cousin Jay is less than pleased with his arrival and the two get off to a rough start, but when he meets Alexis, a slightly eccentric and offbeat girl, she helps him to discover his love for dance. In their teens the two embark on a roller coaster ride of love and dance, as Trip tries to reconcile his love of contemporary dance with the hardened image of manhood set forth for him by his cousins, peers, and his general inner city surroundings. As Trip and Alexis begin to fall in love at the expanse of Jay, Alexis boyfriend, tragedy strikes and his hard decisions are made that set Alexis and Trip on different paths. When Trip comes bask to L.A. and sees that Alexis's life has taken an unexpected turn, it's his time to step up and encourage her to follow her dreams just as she encouraged him years before.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
A Rose in Concrete
(Original title)
A Rose in Concrete
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes