

None | English | 90 min
This title has not premiered yet

Three couples, longtime friends (George and Bianca, Aracely and Jeffrey, Padma and Tyrone - see attached for characters breakdown) gather on Saturday night for their recurring game-night. It's a night of heavy drinking and laughing and catching up with each other's lives. They're in their usual party mode when word comes that Russia has launched a nuclear attack against the United States. They have Thirty Minutes to live. In a series of one-on-one clandestine meetings, long-held secrets, and submerged lusts, come to the surface. Some welcome these secretive advances; some resist and the rejection is heavy. Much is exposed. Much revealed. Long-term affairs are exposed. Bianca goes for Aracely. Don't know for sure if she is rejected or accepted. George, super jealous, takes off - storms out of the house. Bianca, Jeffrey, and Aracely are in tears. Tyrone makes a pass at Jeffrey. Is rejected and leaves in embarrassment. Padma is the only steady one. Cap, Padma's step-brother, shows up. He makes a pass and is humiliated by Padma. And finally, Dr. Stanfield Dark, Padma's favorite professor from grad-school appears at the door. Tyrone returns, fully out of the closet. Bianca, Jeffrey, and Aracely pull it together. Cap feels a burden has been lifted. Dr. Dark and Cap have professed their love for Padma. Padma is calm in the middle of the storm. She is the eye of the hurricane. George returns with his 9mm Glock (15 + 1, he brags). All realize that their relationships were shallow and weak. There are a few original songs interspersed to add a funky, Rocky Horror Picture Show vibe to it all. George slowly and tortuously kills Tyrone, Jeffrey, and Bianca. Maybe we should play "Stuck in the Middle with You"? JK. Then kills himself. Only Padma and Dr. Stan, Cap and Aracely, survive. They are numb. It comes over the radio that three Russian Bombers, heading for Chicago were shot down by the U.S Air Force. Six ICBM missiles missed: two went into lake Michigan, one landed south of I-80, one landed west of the Fox River, and one in Wisconsin, and one hit the Loop but did not detonate. Ends with the four of them in bed. Showered. Sound asleep.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes