Brando with a Glass Eye_peliplat

Brando with a Glass Eye (2024)

None | Greece, Australia | Greek | 122 min
Directed by: Antonis Tsonis

Athens, Greece. Luca, a talented actor, lives with his brother, Alekos, in challenging socio-economic circumstances. Luca's life takes a dramatic turn when he receives the opportunity of a lifetime - an invitation to study method acting at a prestigious school in New York. To seize this chance and escape their difficult situation, the brothers commit armed robbery to secure the necessary funds. During the heist Luca accidentally shoots an innocent pedestrian named Ilias, critically injuring him. The brothers escape without being caught. Luca visits Ilias in the hospital's trauma ward to silence him as a witness but instead befriends him without confessing that he was the amateur that shot him. Ilias, a despairing bourgeoisie finds solace in Luca's enigmatic presence and Luca delves into the world of method acting as he prepares for his audition. Together, they navigate the blurred lines of friendship and deception, transcending societal boundaries. Two unlikely friends find solace and purpose in each other's company, all against the backdrop of their life-altering choices. Luca introduces Ilias to the world of acting, taking them to the brink. As the New York audition draws near, Luca grapples with the weight of his actions. His pursuit of method acting in New York serves as a driving force, urging him to confront his past and the complex emotions he never thought he'd face.

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Release Date
(Slamdance Film Festival Official Selection Narrative Features)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Brando with a Glass Eye
(Original title)
Brando with a Glass Eye
Brando with a Glass Eye
Canada (English title)
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Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes