Justa Geta Record Deal : It All Makes Sense Now_peliplat

Justa Geta Record Deal : It All Makes Sense Now (2023)

None | UK | English | 117 min
Directed by: Will Anderson

Renowned and respected award winning actor/rapper Ice-T, Oakland's self-made rappers Too Short and Ant Banks. Accompanied by The Legendary Rudy Ray Moore aka Dolemite. Along with Grammy awarded recording artists Lars Ulrich of Metallica, Don Henley of The Eagles and Alanis Morissette are joined by versatile talented and glamours UK actress/presenter Heather Jayne and indie artists Black Silver, underground rap groups Phunky Dialect and 2000 Crowz. These artists take no prisoners and spare no words revealing how recording artists are pimped by the music industry and record labels. Justa Geta Record Deal exposes how early 90's Peer-to-Peer music file sharing via Napster and Facebook gave us all expectations that independent recording artists would earn a larger portion of the record labels financial profits. The RIAA lawsuits in the US 9th circuit courts immediately attacked and destroyed that artists dream. The birth of music streaming services had to be controlled by the RIAA and Record Labels to ensure they controlled the cash flows. Artist and Fans already knew the music business scandalous, but 20 years later, even after Napster, even after new music technologies, many indie and label artists are still rubbing tow pennies together, whilst worldwide music streaming profits are soaring for music streaming services. Justa Geta Record Deal (IAMSN) take a dramatic journey into the 1999 underground gangster rap scene of Los Angeles, CA. Discover the unique and captivating story of J-Dub and underground rapper who searches for T-Hun the street hustler turned record company producer. T-Hun take J-Dub's hot new single and begins selling it online only to keep all the profits for himself. J-Dub had to find our the hard way. You can't trust the web with a copy of nothing.

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Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Justa Geta Record Deal : It All Makes Sense Now
(Original title)
Justa Geta Record Deal : It All Makes Sense Now
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes