Mystery Girl_peliplat

Mystery Girl

None |
Directed by: McG
This title has not premiered yet

A woman with unexplained psychic abilities teams up with a hapless cop to solve crimes and find the origins of her peers. Trine Hampstead is a Los Angeles woman who woke up one day four years ago with no memory, and a strange Voice in her head that feeds her information about everything and everyone she sees. She's been living in relative seclusion until she crosses paths with cop Dave Cooper, who is aware of her abilities and wants her help solving a homicide. Deeming him trustworthy, she agrees to team up with him if he'll help her get to the bottom of how she got her powers, and how to turn them off. The two wind up falling for each other, and Cooper help Trine realize that if she has such superhuman abilities, she should use them for good rather than waste them. Trine eventually crosses paths with Kelvin, who reveals that she herself is a scientist named Natasha Petrov who invented a technology that hooks the brain directly to the internet. Kelvin wants to take control of Trine's mind and turn her into a weapon, but Cooper helps free her from Kelvin's clutches. Now in full control of her powers and able to turn it off at will Trine beings a romance with Cooper.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Mystery Girl
(Original title)
Mystery Girl
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes