Arthur Schnitzler - Sex, skandal und moral_peliplat
Arthur Schnitzler - Sex, skandal und moral_peliplat

Arthur Schnitzler - Sex, skandal und moral (2019)

None | Austria | German | 43 min
Directed by: Herbert Kafka

When the stage play "Reigen" appeared, the Austrian author and dramatist Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931) was already notorious as a scandal writer. Hugo von Hofmannsthal admiringly called the author a "dirty bitch". After the publication of "Liebelei", a critic accused him of the fact that the pieces were like a brothel. Schnitzler's works were often controversial, both for their frank description of sexuality and for their strong stand against anti-semitism. His works were called "Jewish filth" by Adolf Hitler and were banned by the Nazis in Austria and Germany. In 1933, when Joseph Goebbels organized book burnings in Berlin and other cities, Schnitzler's works were thrown into flames along with those of other Jews, including Einstein, Marx, Kafka, Freud and Stefan Zweig.

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