Sista Jay Jay's Men Pray Too_peliplat
Sista Jay Jay's Men Pray Too_peliplat
Play trailer

Sista Jay Jay's Men Pray Too (2021)

None | USA | English | 123 min
Directed by: Sista Jay Jay Benjamin JoeDrell

This is a story of four men dealing with real life issues, decisions, and inner pain and the battle of doing whats right, forgiveness and choosing between right and wrong. What happens when J Rock tries to do the right thing but Kelly refuses the new life he is offering her. Watch the battle that Rquan facing trying to see his daughter but Mandy will not let his past go. Otis is in love with Mandy but how can he get her to let go of her old ways. Pop Rock has no problems or does he? What is keeping him from going to church?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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