LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color_peliplat
LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color_peliplat

LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color

None | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Camille Janiffa Bradshaw
This title has not premiered yet

As mental health challenges increasingly affect youths in "Black and Brown" communities, access to culturally competent care remains inadequate. "LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color", is a documentary series that delves into the overlooked childhood disruptions impacting the mental well- being of "Black and Brown" children. Focused on the enduring consequences stemming from socio-political and economic disparities, the series aims to tackle the urgent need for early interventions and a shift in narrative. It seeks to redefine mental health perceptions, reducing too long normalized stigmas and judgments, and advocating for a direct confrontation with past and present systemic and social policies. Hosted by "America's Psychiatrist, " Dr. Jeff Gardere, the inaugural episode of the series, is a compilation that explores the diverse effects of various unaddressed mental health challenges stemming from direct and indirect childhood experiences in "Black and Brown" communities. "LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color" underscores that mental health issues and care are complex, necessitating community-based solutions. It issues a global call to action, urging open conversations and strategic solutions that address the unique challenges in full color, recognizing that they are not simply black and white.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color
(Original title)
LET'S TALK: Mental Health in Color
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes