Help Wanted_peliplat

Help Wanted

None | USA | English | 115 min
Directed by: Chiken Green
This title has not premiered yet

Loretta and Rayvn will do anything to get a birthday cake for Loretta's mom. With the help of Adam, they decide to break into the famous neighborhood bakery (while Benjamin the baker is away) and steal the diamonds they saw him steal the night before. "The Baker moonlights as a diamond thief" The first problem arises when the girls break in and find Benjamin actually home, in bed; dead. This leads to the next problem; they can't leave the house/bakery because of their fingerprints being all over the body. And if that wasn't enough, Detective Chase Rabid, who has been investigating Benjamin for years, has shown up with all types of questions and accusations.. The girls are smart though. They let the detective know that Benjamin is actually on vacation and they are actually running the bakery for the day. The Detective falls for it (sorta) and it begins. Loretta, Ravyn and Adam are trapped but they have high hopes. How hard could running a neighborhood bakery be? Adam gets to cleaning and the girls get to baking. Customers start showing up and everything seems to be working except for one tiny thing - Charlie Stones, "The crime boss" who Benjamin robbed, is sending henchmen over to search the house for what was stolen from her. Oh and one more thing, all the Customers for some unknown reason are dropping dead before they reach the front door.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Help Wanted
(Original title)
Help Wanted
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes