And Now for Something Quite Different_peliplat

And Now for Something Quite Different

None | Germany | German |
Directed by: Markus Boestfleisch
This title has not premiered yet

Henrik and Fjodor, two friends from their student days, let themselves be carried away in the everyday life and nightlife of Berlin's bohemia. While Henrik is a good-natured ironist and a slacker who lives just tolerably from his unloved PR job, Fjodor, although he is already a successful eco-entrepreneur, feels like an inhibited do-gooder. What they have in common is that they no longer trust the decadence and uninhibited hedonism of their milieu. They observe the increasing signs of decay in their circles and in themselves. Although Henrik is constantly cruising on a popular dating platform and has nothing against fast sex, he is actually looking for salvation in love. With the beautiful Helena, a promising romance is on the horizon. The situation gets worse when Henrik loses his job and Fjodor falls in love with the Arab Alija, with whom he secretly gets engaged. Helena finally leaves Henrik for a more suitable match with somebody better off, while Fjodor risks his life to prevent the honor killing of his fiancée.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
And Now for Something Quite Different
(Original title)
And Now for Something Quite Different
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes