Gun Metal Max_peliplat

Gun Metal Max (2019)

None | UK | English | 11 min
Directed by: Jonathan Brooks

Ben is a 10 year old boy like any other. Although he prefers to spend most of his spare time wrapped up in the fictional world of Gun Metal Max, his favourite comic book hero. To Ben, Gun Metal Max is the greatest hero there is. Strong, brave and the defender of light. It's no wonder Ben would much rather play out his hero's adventures in his den - Always at his side is his Gun Metal Max action figure. Where Ben goes, he goes. Together they defend Beacon City, the last human stronghold against the unstoppable Shadow. Creatures from another dimension with a taste for destruction that can jump between dimensions leaving them in all in utter darkness. Nothing can stop them, no known weapon can defeat them. Unless Gun Metal Max has simply been looking in the wrong place? What if a weapon existed, but not in his world? What may seem like a fun and exciting story, may be more real than Ben could possibly imagine. For our world is but one within countless other dimensions, more than anyone could even comprehend. Each with their own stories and possibilities. In our world, Gun Metal Max is merely a fictional comic book hero. But in a distant dimension, his story is very real - Fuelled by his mission to defeat the unstoppable Shadow and find a weapon to finally defeat them, Gun Metal Max uses his power to jump between dimensions in which he finds himself in our world. But he needs help, the Shadow has followed him and will stop at nothing to prevent him from finding the weapon. By chance, Gun Metal Max meets Ben, whom he takes under his wing to help find the weapon and stop the unstoppable Shadow once and for all.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Gun Metal Max
(Original title)
Gun Metal Max
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes