Don't Forget to Remember_peliplat
Don't Forget to Remember_peliplat

Don't Forget to Remember (2020)

None | USA | English | 17 min
Directed by: Thomas Rotenberg

In an effort to stop a world-wide insomnia epidemic driving people to madness and suicide, Zero sets out to consume a large quantity of the only substance capable of inducing sleep, known on the street as "coal dust." This massive dose quickly and violently overtakes her and transports her mind to that mysterious other realm. As she makes her way through that psychedelic alternate world, she confronts her own past and eventually returns sleep to the world. But when she finally begins to hope that it's all over and her mission is finished, she realizes that her journey is only just beginning - the fabric of reality may be even more broken than anyone could've thought.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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