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Directed by: Michael Young
This title has not premiered yet

I hope this is made into a full budget major motion picture. This is a story that most people are unaware of and should see. There can't be a person on earth who has managed to have the level of success he has had while enduring what this guy has in his life. This is the comeback story of all comeback stories at a time when mental health is at the forefront of society right now. This guy fought through: an abusive household/alcoholic and drug addicted parents local community had to pay for him to play hockey being grossly undersized and overlooked in a big man's game (during the toughest era in the WHL and NHL) lost a year of hockey at a crucial age due to a horrific injury Moving away from home to play junior hockey as an undersized 15yr old being raped daily by his coach Graham James for 4 straight years Involved in the famed "Punchout in Piestany" during World Junior Championship game having a child out of wedlock at 16 being addicted to alcohol and drugs at a young age - still fighting it battling Chrohn's Disease as a top pro athlete Accomplishments: Memorial Cup Championship (Canadian Junior hockey) World Junior Gold Turner Cup Championship (AHL) in 1st season Stanley Cup Championship (NHL) in 1st season Canada Cup Gold Olympic Gold often a team captain finished his career as one of the top scoring players of his era during his career he came out about the abuse he took in junior and helped put Graham James away and has been an outspoken advocate against a culture of abuse and sexual assault in youth sports worldwide - raising money and awareness at all costs. He's been an unlikely hero to many.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes