30 Bikes: The Story of Homestead Bicycles_peliplat

30 Bikes: The Story of Homestead Bicycles (2020)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Brian Flint, Kevin Flint

In 1990 Alden Olmsted's life changed forever when he dropped out of college to start his own BMX bicycle company, Homestead Bicycles. After finding a shop in Tennessee to fabricate bikes to his design specs and using all the money he had to order 50 frames, Alden set out to promote his fledgling brand. What began with such promise would soon come crashing down around him. After selling 30 bikes, a request for the remaining 20 would be met with word that the fabricator had gone out of business. With no money and no additional bikes, Alden was forced to put his dream of Homestead Bicycles to bed and move on with his life. Fast forward 23 years later - one of his original Homestead bikes surfaces on a BMX website, stoking the curiosity of an online community into just what happened to Homestead and that mysterious green frame from the 90's. Encouraged by the newfound interest in the brand, an older Alden sets out on a path of discovery to find the people that were impacted by his innovative design and come to terms with what happened in the past. With the help of Bob Haro, BMX legends Eddie Fiola and Martin Aparijo, RAD actor Bill Allen and a large community of BMX enthusiasts, Alden might just find that 19 year-old dreamer once again.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
30 Bikes: The Story of Homestead Bicycles
(Original title)
30 Bikes: The Story of Homestead Bicycles
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes