Peter's To-Do List_peliplat
Peter's To-Do List_peliplat

Peter's To-Do List (2019)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 3 min
Directed by: Jon Watts

On the eve of his departure to Europe, Peter Parker tells Ned Leeds that he has several things to do before they leave. Parker firstly goes to Delmar's Deli and Grill and purchases a dual headphone adapter as part of his plans to watch movies with Michelle Jones on the plane. He then sells some of his toys to get some money to buy Jones a nice piece of jewelry before going to pick up his passport, using the Spider-Drone to open a service desk that had previously been closed. Parker's last business is to take down the Manfredi Crime Family. Confronting them in his Iron Spider Armor, Spider-Man easily arrests them, using his suit's capabilities to web them all and resist the bullets they are firing at him. Spider-Man then waits for the NYPD to arrive, detailing the identities of all the gang members to the officers while joking that he is doing their job. Spider-Man then informs the officer that he is going on a vacation for a few days and leaves after promising an officer that he will do a selfie with him later.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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