Drowned at Birth_peliplat
Drowned at Birth_peliplat

Drowned at Birth

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Directed by: Kate Davis
This title has not premiered yet

Drowned at Birth is the story of a boy written off by society -- a boy who, according to some people, should have been "drowned at birth" like unwanted kittens. Leo grows up in a loving but troubled family that struggles in a brutal world. Just as his teachers and society expect, he fails repeatedly, gets into drugs and crime, then winds up in prison. Despite all odds and all the nay saying, Leo redeems himself in unusual ways. While the premise might seem cliche or already done, this fictionalized story is inspired by my friend and collaborator Fernando. Fernando currently helps inmates through a prison ministry. Yes, this story has faith-based themes; after many years of teaching inmates online and reading their stories, I know that developing faith is a major contributor to their rehabilitation. We will begin filming in November or December 2020 in Roswell, New Mexico. If you are interested in working on the film, fund raising, acting, or otherwise helping, please like this page and stay tuned. You can also find us on FaceBook.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

No data

Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Drowned at Birth
(Original title)
Drowned at Birth
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes