LoveSick: You make me weak at the knees_peliplat

LoveSick: You make me weak at the knees (2020)

None | UK | English | 5 min
Directed by: Joseph Wilson

A confessional portrait of the highs and lows of open relationships A war between the body and mind wages on in this visual narrative of a couple's attempt to navigate their polyamorous relationship. You Make Me Weak At The Knees explores an often overlooked and undiscussed reality for couples who have multiple intimate relationships at once-and the sense of triumph, freedom, insecurity and pain that goes with it. "Should you change your innate behaviour to please someone else?" Conducted over a run-down payphone in a desolate east London industrial site, a couple's heated conversation breathes life and hidden understanding into the project's assorted imagery. "Should you change your innate behaviour to please someone else," says London-based filmmaker Joseph Wilson in this exploration of sexual instinct versus romantic duty, "or should the other person suffer at the expense of the relationship?" Wilson's imaginative project combines VHS film, strobe-lit dance choreography and a gripping soundtrack to portray the complications around open relationships. "Although polyamorous relationships work for some, in my experience, there always tends to be someone that gets hurt," says the director, whose protagonist is seduced, blinded and divided from his partner by a trio of silent dancers. "My thoughts about it are in constant flux," he continues. "I think all relationships depend on the people involved and where you are in life-and that's changing all the time."

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
LoveSick: You make me weak at the knees
(Original title)
LoveSick: You make me weak at the knees
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes