Ang Mga Damgo Wala Gintuga Sang Kahanginan (Dreams Aren't Made by the Wind)_peliplat
Ang Mga Damgo Wala Gintuga Sang Kahanginan (Dreams Aren't Made by the Wind)_peliplat

Ang Mga Damgo Wala Gintuga Sang Kahanginan (Dreams Aren't Made by the Wind) (2020)

None | Philippines | Filipino | 7 min
Directed by: Elvert Bañares

A plague afflicts his town and an adult Jarden narrates his memories of the past when he and his playmates were still children, enjoying the enchantments of the seas, and sharing their dreams with another. Until one windy afternoon changed their lives forever and he remembered what his grandmother told him about the secrets of the sea.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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