Every Day a Little Seth_peliplat

Every Day a Little Seth (2016)

None | USA | English | 19 min
Directed by: Justin Powell

Every Day a Little Seth is a half-hour comedy about how to define "success" in New York City that follows Seth, a neurotic musical theater composer and pianist, as he and his quirky friends use their talents, music and unconventional outlook to deal with life's chaos. As they search for success in career, relationships, and dodging life's curveballs, their collective ability to rely on each other is their greatest success of all. The series will cover a seemingly limitless set of relatable topics, from gender stereotypes to online dating to subway paranoia, and anything in between. One of Seth's original cabaret songs will be featured each episode and frame the show while providing humorous theme and context to the storyline. Finally, each episode ends with Seth discussing its moral with his cat, Smee. The pilot opens with Seth singing his song "Smart Phone" at Don't Tell Mama, which laments and defends the fact he still has a flip phone. The song becomes a frame for the episode and is juxtaposed between scenes. The story begins as Seth, Celia, and Rori walk to a cell phone store to get Celia's smartphone repaired. Celia deals with incompetent and perverted clerks, but finally gets her phone fixed. Seth gets upset as an investor for his musical keeps texting him emojis that only appear as blank squares on his dumb phone and eventually loses his patience, thereby losing the investor. Rori waits for a booty call text from a rock star only in town for the day, only to later find out he sent a Facebook message that she couldn't access on her flip phone. In the final scene, Smee begs for food while Seth explains to him the price of impatience.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Every Day a Little Seth
(Original title)
Every Day a Little Seth
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes